Eligibility Criteria

Step 1: Please fill out the application below via the button and allow our our team 5-7 business days to review your application. If you have never received services with FeedNC, please select “New Guest Application”. If you have received services and need to recertify your account, please select “Recertification Application”

Step 2: After our team has reviewed your application, we will contact you to inform you of the status of your application and/or invite you in (via text message) to schedule an in-person new member enrollment session where will verify:

  1. Identification (Driver’s or Non-Driver’s State ID, Passport, etc..) 

  2. Members in your household (Verbal confirmation).

  3. Income of all members in household (last 3 months).

  4. Physical address (piece of mail).

While you are waiting for next steps: We encourage all applicants to join us in Donoghue’s Open Door for free Breakfast or Lunch Monday – Friday 9am-2pm (check FeedNC calendar for any closures). If you are in need of displacement assistance services or interested in interviewing for one of our workforce programs, please complete the application and then give us a call at 704-660-9010. 

Evening Grocery Hours starting 10/28 - Mondays 5-7pm

Eligibility Criteria:

(1) Household must be enrolled and eligible for Grassroots Grocery services.

(2) Adult in household must be employed and unable to attend standard grocery hours Tuesdays - Thursdays 12-3pm and Friday 9:45am - 3:00pm.

Must provide paperwork upon service enrollment:

(1) Recent pay stubs, an employment letter, or other documentation confirming that adult is employed.

(2) Documentation, schedule, or letter from employer showcasing that the adult works at least 25 hours per week between Monday - Friday 8am-4pm.