September is Hunger Action Month!

Turn your Compassion into action…

September is Hunger Action Month, a nationwide effort started by Feeding America to raise awareness about hunger in America and inspire local action. As a local community, we ask that you join FeedNC by turning your compassion into action this September. Having access to nutritious food can alleviate undue stress and promote things like children’s academic success, adults securing employment, and preventing food-related illnesses that disproportionately affect individuals living in poverty in your community. Will you join us?

Be a Student in Action
Be an Athlete in Action
Be a Family in Action
Be a Workplace in Action
Be a Neighborhood in Action
Be a Church in Action

Your actions help feed 6000 neighbors in need including 1500 children.

  • Rescue: Over 2.5 million pounds through the Food Rescue Program

  • Shop: 20,000 grocery visits through the Grassroots Grocery Program

  • Deliver:1500 grocery deliveries through the Food Movers Program

  • Provide 45,000 meals served through Donoghue’s Open Door Community Dining Concept

Why participate?

Because every action, big or small, means you are part of the solution.

Support a Local Family with a Monetary Donation

Be Our Guest! Dine in Donoghue’s Open Door, a Free Community Dining Concept

Give Your Time to Your Community

Other Easy Actions:

  • Wear any shade of orange to show you care! Orange is considered the color of hunger relief.

  • Take photos of yourself wearing orange and tag FeedNC. Five lucky winners will receive a bag of FeedNC swag as a thank-you.

  • On a paper plate or piece of paper, write: On an empty stomach, I can’t_______________(fill in the blank), take a pic, post, and tag FeedNC. Or send it and your name to Bonnie Battalia at who will post it on FeedNC social media.


“FeedNC, what a remarkable place. Has made my life a lot easier with shopping and eating breakfast.”

-FeedNC Member

Hunger Action: Ideas for Children

To learn more about FeedNC programs, events, and resources, we invite you to click the button below.