The Story, Concept, and How Donoghue’s Open Door Works


John and Pam Donoghue have been the heart and soul of FeedNC’s mission for years. Guided by their deep faith, they generously dedicate their time, talents, and resources to mission-driven organizations that hold a special place in their hearts.

When FeedNC embarked on the journey to build a new home, John stepped up in a big way—becoming the capital campaign chair and leading the charge to rally community support for a much-needed expansion. His passion, leadership, and unwavering commitment played a pivotal role in the campaign’s success.

Inspired by their dedication, the Donoghue family expressed a desire to name the new community dining space at FeedNC. And so, Donoghue’s Open Door Community Dining and Events was born—a name that reflects John’s lifelong commitment to helping those in need, fostering opportunities for transformation, and welcoming all who seek nourishment and connection.

Donoghue’s Open Door will be more than just a dining space—it will be a hub of community, where meaningful relationships are formed and new opportunities take root. We can’t wait to welcome you through the open door.